Within this double page spread are many similarities with the front cover and the contents page. Once again I used the same style background, blue and white gradient. I did this because, although other pages in the magazine are going to be different, it adds slight consistancy because the reader can link certain aspects of it together. As well as this, is also links the fact that the front cover has the main story on which is on my double page spread.
In addition to this, I made it so the picture was done in the same way. Black and white sketched affect. This, as well as keeping consistancy within the magazine, is affective for drawing the reader's attention because usually pictures are in colour, so it's something fairly uncommon but eye catching at the same time.
Another thing I kept pretty much the same is the style of writing. I kept it so it's still black and white, but i mixed it up a little bit. For example, on the 'A Star is Born!' I used both colours, black and white, because previous to this I only used one colour, black, but it seems dull and bland. The text I originally put in black, but again, thought was a little predictable seen as many magazines only use the colour black for their text.
The reason I used this picture was because I thought it would frame the page nicely, but also because it went across the two pages slightly. I liked this because it draws the two pages together and makes them seem like they are a double page spread. It also frames the title nicely and allows space for other things on the page without been too over powering and stealing all the attention.
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